Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lincoln Park Zoo

Seeing as we’ll be hitting up the San Diego Zoo in a couple of weeks I thought it only fair to visit my home town zoo first. I wouldn’t want my visit to one of, if not the, most famous zoos to negatively affect my opinion, especially when I’ve heard such great things. A zoo…in the middle of beautiful Chicago…open year round…free…everyday. Did I mention free? (Ok, besides parking.) Free is the perfect price for our starving student lifestyle and seeing as it was a balmy forty something degrees and sunny we sacrificed the sacred naptimes and ventured forth. We unfortunately didn’t capture much with the camera but the two exhibits that Beck seemed to focus on were the crazy swinging monkeys and the sea lions who, lucky for us, were both shamelessly showing off.



It was beautiful. Even with leafless trees and brown dead partly snow covered grass covering the park. I can only imagine it the spring and look forwarding to visiting again. My favorite was the roaring lion but missed the rhinos, giraffes and tiger, who were apparently keeping warm inside.

Beck and I taking advantage of Stephen’s photography skills outside the lion’s den…


A good shot of Beck’s new teeth.


I miss the gum face but it’s fun to see him slowly changing from a baby to a little boy. I can’t believe this tank used to be this frail little peanut.


What a difference 9 month makes.


elizabeth said...

So cute! He's really looking more like the both of you now and not just strictly like a Frisch. Can't wait to go to the zoo with you guys!!!

Lindy & Trever said...

Great pictures of you and Beck. I love the shoot of his teeth. What a cutie! I am hoping to venture to the zoo this summer.